Information and Benefits
Membership is open to all persons who are interested in the prehistory and history of Arizona and the Southwest and who support the aims of the Society. Each membership runs for a full year from the date your membership is received and covers all individuals living in the same household.
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For additional information contact AAHS Membership
All members have access to Society field trips, the opportunity to subscribe to JSTOR at half-price through their JPASS program and a 30% discount on any full priced CRC Press or Routledge books.
Kiva level members receive all of the above plus four new issues of Kiva each year and on-line access to past Kivas.
The objectives of the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society (AAHS) are: to encourage scholarly pursuits into the history and anthropology of the southwest United States and northwest Mexico; to encourage the preservation of archaeological sites and historical properties; to encourage the scientific and legal gathering of cultural information and materials; to publish the results of these investigations; to aid in the functions of the Arizona State Museum; and to provide educational opportunities through lectures, field trips and other activities.
AAHS considers the following to be contrary to the Society’s objectives and enjoins its members, as a condition of membership, to abstain from the following: the practice of collecting and dealing in archaeological materials for personal gain; the excavation of archaeological sites or historic properties without permit or permission; and the unlawful or unethical acquisition of archaeological or ethnographic materials.
Membership Categories:
- $60 Kiva members receive four issues of the Society’s quarterly journal, Kiva, and 12 issues of the Society’s monthly newsletter, Glyphs as well as on-line access to all issues of Kiva.
- $70 International Kiva members receive four issues of the Society’s quarterly journal, Kiva, and 12 issues of the Society’s monthly newsletter, Glyphs
- $45 Glyphs members receive Glyphs.
- $20 Student Kiva members receive both Glyphs and Kiva.
- $100 Contributing members receive Glyphs, Kiva, and all current benefits.
- $150 Supporting members receive Glyphs, Kiva, and all current benefits.
- $300 Sponsoring members receive Glyphs, Kiva, and all current benefits.
- $1,500 Lifetime members receive Glyphs, Kiva, and all current benefits.
Institutional Subscriptions:
University libraries, public libraries, museums, and other institutions who wish to subscribe to Kiva must do so through the publisher, Taylor & Francis.
Institutions may subscribe to Glyphs only for a $100 Institutional Glyphs membership through AAHS.
For your records, any portion of your payment over the basic $60.00 membership may be tax-deductible.