We are once again accepting book donations for our Used Book Sales


Get Involved

AAHS activities include monthly lectures, field trips, museum visits and archaeological activities. Lectures, which are free and open to the public are held the third Monday of the month, every month except August, at 7:00 pm. As of September 2023 lectures will be presented both in person on the University of Arizona campus and via Zoom.

Become a Member

Membership is open to all persons who are interested in the prehistory and history of Arizona and the Southwest and who support the aims of the Society.


AAHS needs you! As an all volunteer Society we have many different opportunities for volunteers. Please support the Society by sharing your time and skills.


Donations help support our work and research programs.

Make a Book Donation

Book sales conducted by AAHS throughout the year provide the ASM Library much-needed funding for their operations (90% of proceeds go directly to the ASM Library, composing the majority of their annual budget).