The Neighbors of Casas Grandes: Excavating Medio Period Communities of Northwest Chihuahua, Mexico by Michael E. Whalen and Paul E. Minnis
Kiva Book Review Vol 77, No 1
Reviewed by Christine S. VanPool
The Neighbors of Casas Grandes: Excavating Medio Period Communities of Northwest
Chihuahua, Mexico by Michael E. Whalen and Paul E. Minnis. 464 pp., 31 b/w
photos, 89 illustrations, 100 tables. The University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2009.
$60.00 (Cloth). ISBN 978-0-8165-2760-1.
To read review (PDF Format) The Neighbors of Casas Grandes: Excavating Medio Period Communities of Northwest Chihuahua