The Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society was founded in 1916 and is affiliated with the Arizona State Museum.
Our Mission
The mission of AAHS is to foster the growth and sharing of knowledge of the diverse communities in the U.S. Southwest and Northern Mexico through time.
Our vision is for AAHS programs and activities to support strong collaborative relationships and community connections that ensure respect for and preservation of regional heritage.
Our Activities
Activities announced monthly in the newsletter, Glyphs, provide educational and social opportunities to explore these interests. The Society’s quarterly journal, Kiva, publishes original research in southwestern anthropology and history and is an internationally recognized professional journal.
Code of Conduct and Bylaws
AAHS considers the following to be contrary to the Society’s objectives and enjoins its members, as a condition of membership, to abstain from the following:
- the practice of collecting and dealing in archaeological materials for personal gain;
- the excavation of archaeological sites or historic properties without permit or permission; and
- the unlawful or unethical acquisition of archaeological or ethnographic materials.
You may also wish to download the AAHS Bylaws (pdf)


Samuel Fayuant

Barbara Montgomery

Jeff Jones

Daniel Montoya

Stanley Ponczek


Committee Chairs

Membership is open to all persons who are interested in the prehistory and history of Arizona and the Southwest and who support the aims of the Society.
All members receive discounts on Society field trips and classes. Monthly meetings are free and open to the public. Members also receive on-line access to Kiva and the opportunity to subscribe to JSTOR at half-price through their JPASS program.