Subvention grant applications are due September 16, 2024.

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2012 Research Awards Announced

The AAHS Scholarships and Research Grants Committee has awarded four $1,000 research grants to applicants from four Universities as well as six $300 travel grants for students to attend the SAA meeting. Research grants were awarded to Michael Mathiowetz, Adjunct Faculty at California State University, Dominquez Hills for documenting and analyszing  a large collection of Aztatlan ceramics in Nayarit, Mexico; Kristen Safi a graduate student at Washington State University for test excavations at the Large Gap Chaco-style great house community in New Mexico; Jakob Sedig, a graduate student at the University of Colorado for test excavations at Woodrow Ruin, a Mimbres Classic site in the Upper Gila region of New Mexico and to Andrew Richard, an undergraduate student at the University of Arizona for an experimental study on breakage patterns of Clovis and Folsom projectile points. Congratulations to all!

Erina Gruner, doctoral student from SUNY Binghamton is the winner of 2012 The Julian D. Hayden Student Paper Competion sponsored annually by AAHS and AAC. Erina’s paper is entitled “Re-envisioning Nativism: The Use of Ecclesiastical Paraphernalia during the Pueblo Revolt”.