Subvention grant applications are due September 16, 2024.

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2013 Appreciation Awards

AAHS President Jesse Ballenger

 Each year the AAHS Board of Directors gives Appreciation Awards to non-Board members who have contributed significantly to the viability and functioning of the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society. This year Appreciation Awards went to five people whose efforts have been truly outstanding. Awardees included Sarah Herr and Jenny Adams who co-chair the Publications Committee and Jeff Clark who chairs the Finance Committee. Donna Yoder was recognized for her 8 years of service on the Board including holding the positions of Vice President for Membership and Recording Secretary. The fifth award was to Homer Thiel, who has agreed to spearhead the Fort Mason Project.

AAHS truly could not function without the dedicated efforts and support of folks like these. We all thank them.

~ Jesse Ballenger