Prehistoric Sites on the Barry M. Goldwater Range, East
Note: This post refers to an event that took place on Nov 9, 2013.

THE FIELD TRIP IS BACK ON due to the Government’s Reopening
This field trip is jointly sponsored with the San Tan Chapter of the Arizona Archaeological Society and will be led by Dr. David Doyel and Adrianne Rankin, archaeologists with the BMGR-E. This is a rare opportunity to see sites on the Air Force training range, usually off-limits to the public. Likely visitation sites include Chris Glyphs, a tinaja site with rock art in an upland desert setting, and Lago Seco, the largest habitation site on the range in a lowland desert setting. The trip will start from Gila Bend. Time and location to be announced. To register send email to Jesse Ballenger.