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Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society (AAHS)/Arizona State Museum (ASM) Library Book Sale Donations

**At this time there is a hold on accepting donations. If you are able to wait until later, feel free to check back regularly. If you need to dispose of the books promptly, please check other donation locations such as your local libraries, Friends of the Pima County Library, or World Care.**
Thank you for your interest in donating books to the AAHS/ASM Library booksale. We accept a variety of generas, including archaeological reports, children’s books, novels, et cetera

We do not accept these Periodicals:

American Anthropologist
American Ethnologist
Current Anthropology
Historical Archaeology
Journal of Archaeological Research
Journal of Field Archaeology
SAA Archaeological Record
SMRC Revista
Periodicals we are particularly interested in are:
Arizona Highways
American Indian Art Magazine
American Antiquity
Other Periodicals are also accepted
The way donations work is that the donation itself will be to AAHS. The ASM Library will then have first pick of the donations to help fill their collection. Anything the library does not need will then be sold at a booksale sponsored by AAHS. 90% of the proceeds go to the ASM Library while 10% goes to AAHS.
There are two large booksales, one that takes place at the Southwest Indian Art Fair (SWIAF) in the spring and then one in the fall. There are also smaller sales at many of AAHS’s monthly lectures.
If you are interested in donating or volunteering to prep for or during the booksales, contact Melanie Deer at or 520-626-9109.