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Raymond H. Thompson – “Arch & Hist Ancestors”

Note: This post refers to an event that took place on Apr 18, 2016.

Dr. Raymond Thompson, Director Emeritus of the Arizona State Museum, will present brief biological sketches of our founding fathers.

Dr. Raymond Thompson served as the Director of the Arizona State Museum for 34 years, while also a Professor of Archaeology at the University of Arizona. He presided over the modernization of antiquities laws at the state and national level. As past president of the Society for American Archaeology, he was instrumental in the creation of the Archaeological Resources Protection Act. His achievements in research and museum management were equaled by his dedication to promoting stewardship of archaeological resources—what today we call cultural resource management. Dr. Thompson assisted Indian tribes in developing their own museums. He also established cooperative relationships with Mexican archaeologists and institutions. In 1998, Dr. Thompson received the Distinguished Service Award from the Society for American Archaeology.