Fort Lowell/Hardy Site Tours During the AAHS 100th Anniversary Picnic

As part of the AAHS centennial celebration at Fort Lowell Park, archaeologists Homer Thiel and Linda Gregonis will offer tours of portions of the Hardy Site. Originally excavated in part, by University of Arizona students and AAHS volunteers in the 1970s, and again in 2012, small portions of this multi-component site will be open to tour participants.
A tour of each area will be offered at 2:00 o’clock and at 3:00 o’clock. Groups will be limited to 15 to 20 participants. One tour by Linda Gregonis, will feature the location of the excavations carried out in the 1970s which uncovered a courtyard group dating to the A.D. 1100s, as well as houses dating to the A.D. 900s, and an offertory plaza and cemetery dating to the A.D. 800s.
The second tour features the Fort Lowell-Adkins Steel portion of the Camp Lowell site which saw mitigation of contaminated soil in 2012. Archaeologist Homer Thiel will show photographs of the prehistoric and historic period features located during the project, and discuss the stabilization work conducted on the three Officers Quarters constructed in the 1870s. To register for a tour in advance please contact Cannon Daughtrey and indicate the tour and time you are interested in (i.e., Hardy site 2:00 pm).
The Fort Lowell reports are available as PDFs online.