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Classic Period Village and Astronomical Site in the Eastern Tortolitas

March 17, 2018


This trip requires an Arizona State Land permit. The application has been submitted and is pending approval. If you are interested in being on the list to be notified when the trips have been approved please contact the Trip Organizer listed.

The aboriginal flora of the eastern Tortolitas consisted of a dense diversity of wild plants including a thriving grassland which fed directly and indirectly a great variety of animal species. The local washes especially the Indian Town and Indian Well flowed most of the year. These springs and run-off from the summer and winter rains provided irrigation for crops, abundant rock outcropings provided stone for buildings and canvases for petroglyphs. It is not surprising that people settled this area and flourished for hundreds to thousands of years.

Today, one finds the remains of Archaic sites in the southern Tortolitas, Hohokam Pre-Classic sites from the southern to central Tortolitas and Transitional to Classic period sites in the central to north eastern Tortolitas. These consist of camps, villages, towns, field houses, petroglyph area, resource procurement areas, and agricultural fields. In fact, this area exhibits the highest density of sites of all types in the entire region.

The tour, led by Robin Rutherfoord, will visit a couple of these sites. There are three major village sites in the area and we will visit one or more of them plus an astronomical site. Several miles of walking through desert terrain will be required. If you are interested in the tour contact Robin Rutherfoord.

Note: We ask that you do not post any pictures that you may take on any social media site. This area is subject to a high amount of various types of vandalism.


March 17, 2018
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