Don’t miss our upcoming Used Book Sale – Oct 10 & 11


Virtual Tour of the Vander Wagen Collection at Amerind


AAHS@Home in collaboration with the Amerind Museum brings you a virtual tour of one of the largest and best documented A:shiwi (Zuni) and Diné (Navajo) jewelry collections in the world.  The Vander Wagen collection at the Amerind Museum includes thousands of jewelry pieces made by artisans and masters from the late 19th through 20th century.  […]

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Karen R. Adams – “Food for Thought: The Deep History of Your Dinner”


This Zoom lecture is free and open to the public but you must pre-register. Any five-year old will tell you where our food comes from...the grocery store! But behind that simple truth is an extremely long history of human efforts to modify wild plants to make them more manageable, better tasting, and eventually highly productive. […]

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Kelsey Hanson – “Technologies of Capturing Color: Paint Practice and its Analysis in the U.S. Southwest”

This lecture will be presented via Zoom. This event is open to the public but you must pre-register.   The American Southwest is brilliantly colored. However, naturally occurring colors are not easily imparted into the material world. The ability to capture color from the natural world through paint requires deep cultural knowledge of geologic sources, […]

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Cancelled – Some Petroglyphs of Saguaro West

photo by Lance K. Trask TRIP is POSTPONED DUE TO COVID-19 TRIP FULL - WAITING LIST ONLY Join us for an early morning hike to see the rock imagery in King Canyon and Javelina Wash. For the past two years an AAHS-affiliated group “The Rock Band” led by Janine Hernbrode has been recording the rock […]

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Cancelled – Mimbres Sites and Pony Hill Petroglyphs

This trip is postponed due to COVID -19. We will reschedule when prudent. Join us for a trip to Silver City and the Mimbres Valley led by Mimbres scholar Pat Gilman. We will plan to spend Friday and Saturday nights in Silver City. For those who are able to arrive in Silver City  before 3:30, there […]

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Jeffrey H. Altschul – “Using the Past as a Bridge to the Future”

This zoom lecture is open to the public but you must pre-register. There is a rising call for science to confront head-on problems facing society. Discussing the COVID-19 pandemic, Marcia McNutt (2020), President of the National Academy of Sciences, stated simply “Society is depending on science to deliver us from this health, social, and economic […]

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Video Field Trip to the ASM Pottery Vault

Special Opportunity for AAHS Members Only AAHS@Home presents a close up tour of the renowned Arizona State Museum Pottery Vault with Dr. Patrick Lyons, ASM Director, Associate Professor of Anthropology, archaeologist and ceramics expert. In this pre-recorded tour Dr. Lyons will give an overview of the collection of 24,000 whole vessels housed in the vault.  […]

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6th Annual AAHS Research Slam and Winter Party

This year’s  6th Annual Research Slam and Winter Party on January 11, 2021 beginning at 6:30 p.m. is shaping up to be a great event. To register follow this link . Nine slammers from around the Southwest will be competing to raise money for the AAHS Research and Travel Grant program. Check out our silent […]

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Steven R. James – “Zooarchaeology at Pueblo Grande and the Origin of Chickens in the American Southwest (Or Why Did the Chickens Cross the Desert?)”

Preregistration Required at In the late 1930s, a Works Progress Administration (WPA) crew under the direction of Albert H. Schroeder excavated Trash Mound No. 1, a Preclassic Colonial period deposit (A.D. 775-950) at the extensive Hohokam site of Pueblo Grande along the Salt River in Phoenix, Arizona. This material remained largely unanalyzed at the […]

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