A big thank you to all who supported our March Used Book Sale

Book Donations

Thank you so much for considering donating books to the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society for the purpose of raising funds to support the Arizona State Museum Library.  Book sales conducted by AAHS throughout the year provide the ASM Library much-needed funding for their operations (90% of proceeds go directly to the ASM Library, composing the majority of their annual budget).

Due to storage limitations, we do not accept the following items:

If you are interested in making a book donation please contact Katherine Cerino, AAHS Library Chair. 

We request that you provide a signed and completed Deed of Gift with your donation.  You will receive a letter acknowledging your donation to AAHS; these are mailed to the address on the Deed of Gift. Please note we will not inventory the books but list the quantity only.

Thank you again for your support of AAHS and the ASM Library.  We look forward to hearing from you and scheduling your donation delivery appointment.