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Previous Winners of the Julian D. Hayden Paper Competition

2024 – Noah Place, University of Arizona
Application of the Bioarchaeology of Care Framework to an Individual from an Early Agricultural Community in Sonora, Mexico

2023 – Robert Bischoff, Arizona State University
Material Culture Networks in Tonto Basin

2022 – Kelsey Hanson, University of Arizona
Spatial Histories of Paint Production at Pueblo Bonito: Towards an Archaeology of Chacoan Chromatic Spectacle

2021 – James Campbell, Harvard University
Na’nilkad bee na’niltin – Learning from Herding: An Ethnoarchaeological Study of Historic Pastoralism on the Navajo Nation 

2020 – Mark R. Agostini, Brown University and Ivy N. Fletcher, University of Oxford
Cosmological Expressions and Medicine Stones in the Ancestral Pueblo World, published in Kiva 86(4)

2019 No award given

2018 – Katelyn J. Bishop, University of California and Samantha G. Fladd, University of Arizona
Ritual Fauna and Social Organization at Pueblo Bonita, published in Kiva 84(3)

2017 – Kristina Whitney, University of New Mexico
The Origins of Flat-Backed Canteens in the American Southwest, published in Kiva 83(3)

2016 – Saul Hedquist, University of Arizona
Ritual Practice and Exchange in the Late Prehispanic Western Pueblo Region: Insights from the Distribution and Deposition of Tuquoise at Homol’ovi I, published in Kiva 82(3)

2015 – Robert Weiner, Brown University
Shells, Bells, and Chocolate: Exotica and Sensory Ritual at Chaco Canyon, published in Kiva 81(3-4)

2014 No award given

2013 No award given

2012 – Erina Gruner, SUNY Binghamton
Re-envisioning Nativism: The Use of Ecclesiastical paraphernalia during the Pueblo Revolt published in Kiva 78(3)

2011 – Anna Osterholz, University of Nevada Las Vegas
Hobbling and Torture as Performative Violence: An Example from the Prehistoric Southwest, published in Kiva 78(2)

2009 – F. Scott Worman and Hannah V. Mattson, University of New Mexico
Arroyos and Agriculture: Geoarchaeological Investigations at Puebo Pinato, published in Kiva 75(4)

2007 – M. Jill Ahlberg-Yohe, University of New Mexico
What Weavings Bring: The Social Value of Weaving Objecs in Contemporary Navajo Life, published in Kiva 73(4)

2006 – Melissa Kruse, Arizona State University
The Agricultural Landscape of Perry Mesa: Modeling Residential Site Location in Relation to Arable Lands, published in Kiva 73(1)

2005 – Joshua Roffler, Arizona State University
Frank Russell at Gila River: Constructing an Ethnographic Description, published in Kiva 71(4)

2003- Chip Colwell-Chanthaphonh, Indiana University
Signs in Place: Native American Perspectives of the Past in the San Pedro Valley of Southeastern Arizona, published in Kiva 69(1)

2001- M. Guadelupe Sanchez, University of Arizona
Synopsis of Paleo-Indian Archaeology in Mexico, published in Kiva 67(2)

2000 – Alexa M. Smith, University of Arizona
Zoomorphic Iconography on Preclassic Hohokam Red-on-Buff Pottery: A Whole Vessel Study from the Gila River Basin, published in Kiva 66(2)

1999 – Kari M. Schmidt, University of New Mexico
The Five Feature Site (AZ CC:7:55[ASM]): Evidence for A Prehistoric Rabbit Drive in Southeastern Arizona, published in Kiva 65(2)