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Douglas B. Craig Proposal Instructions

Proposals are reviewed by the Grant Review Committee and evaluated on a 10-point scale on the basis of:

Proposal Instructions

The research proposal text should not exceed 3 pages excluding tables, figures, and references (budget excluded). Text should be single spaced, 12-point with one-inch margins.

Proposals should include:

  1. Name and institution (if applicable)
  2. Research objectives
  3. Theoretical and/or technical approaches for data collection and analysis
  4. Relevance of techniques to objectives
  5. Expected research gain and potential impacts
  6. Means of sharing information with the public and professional community (e.g., lectures, displays, papers, etc.)
  7. Indication that appropriate permits and (if needed) Human Subjects authorization have been obtained
  8. Repository where research, documentation, and articles (if appropriate) will be housed
  9. Itemized budget, detailing complete project expenses, with that portion to be covered by AAHS grant indicated

Please submit applications to the AAC president at  

Reporting Requirements

Grant recipients are required to report the results of their research or travel to the President of AAC within 90 days of completion. If the research extends beyond the calendar year of the award, the recipient must present a progress report as well as a final report on the completion of the project. The final report should be emailed to AAC President. In addition, recipients may consider contributing a presentation on the research at the annual AAC Fall Conference or submit a report for publication in the Journal of Arizona Archaeology.

Grant Fund Use Examples

Items such as computer time, specialized analysis, photographic supplies, or other supplies needed for a particular study. Funds cannot be used to purchase capital equipment.