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AAHS Grants and Scholarship Awards for 2013

AAHS awarded $6,203.48 in research and travel grants for 2013

Research Grants

Kathryn Baustian (graduate student, University of Nevada, Las Vegas), $1000 for documenting and analyzing Mimbres skeletal collections at the Maxwell Museum, the Western New Mexico University Museum, and the University of Texas at Austin.

Brunella Santarelli (graduate student, University of Arizona), $1000 for the study of lead glaze technology on Basketmaker III ceramics.

Jakob Sedig (graduate student, University of Colorado), $1000 for test excavations at Woodrow Ruin, a Mimbres Classic site in the Upper Gila region of New Mexico. He has received support for the previous two years on this project.

Mary Ownby and Henry Wallace (Desert Archaeology, Inc.), $303.48 for microprobe analysis of Hohokam buffwares to identify production sources.

Stephanie Welch (graduate student, Northern Arizona University), $600 (partial award) for research on Ancestral Puebloan art and wall decoration at Mesa Verde National Park using advanced photographic methods.

William Reitze (graduate student, University of Arizona), $500 (partial award) for a single C14 date to help isolate Younger Dryas deposits in the Estancia Basin of New Mexico.

Travel Grants

Katherine Dungan (graduate student, University of Arizona), $300 for travel to the 78th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Honolulu. She is presenting a paper titled Symbols and Ritualization in the Southwest.

Sean Dolan (graduate student, University of Oklahoma), $300 for travel to the 78th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Honolulu. He is presenting two posters, one as lead author, Obsidian Sources, Projectile Point Typologies and the Question of Continuity in the Mimbres Valley, and one as junior author, Mimbres Seasonality, Site Occupation and Organization in the Sapillo Valley.

Jean Berkebile (graduate student, University of Cincinnati), $300 for travel to the 78th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Honolulu. She is presenting a paper titled Investigating Subsistence Diversity in the Upper Basin: New Archaeobotanical Analysis at MU 125.

Kelsey Reese (graduate student, Washington State University), $300 for travel to the 78th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Honolulu. She is presenting a paper titled What are communities, really? She also received a travel grant last year.

Stefani Crabtree (graduate student, Washington State University), $300 for travel to the 78th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Honolulu. She is the lead author on a poster titled, Constructing Communities: Examining Household Aggregation in the American Southwest, junior author on a poster titled, A Neutral Model of Stone Raw Material Procurement, and junior author on a paper titled, The Secrets of the Southwest Solved by Walkative Tree Rings.

Ryan Washam (graduate student, University of Cincinnati), $300 for travel to the 78th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Honolulu. He is presenting a poster titled,  Archaeology in Distress: Federal Land Management and Vulnerable Landscapes.