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AAHS Grants and Scholarship Awards for 2016

In 2016 AAHS awarded $7,108.20 in Research and Travel Grants to 12 individuals from 7 institutions.

Research Grants

Claire Barker (University of Arizona) $500 for petrographic analysis of utilitarian ceramics from the Homolovi site cluster.

Krystal Britt (University of Illinois at Chicago), $500 for Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) analysis on ceramics from sites in the Middle Little Colorado River Valley.

Patricia Gilman (University of Oklahoma-retired), $1000 for two radiocarbon samples to help date the transition from pithouses to pueblos and the associated change in ceramic types from Style I (Boldface Black-on-white) to Style II (Transitional Black-on-white) sometime in the late A.D. 800s or early to mid-900s.

Doug Mitchell (Archaeological Consulting Services, Phoenix), $600 for a radiocarbon sample to date a midden stratum at the Las Morúa site, near Puerto Penasco, Mexico.

Sarah Oas (Arizona State University), $875 for the use of stable isotopic analyses to expand our knowledge of prehistoric turkey management practices by examining turkey paleodiets to determine the extent to which turkeys were being kept in captivity and fed mostly maize across the Cibola region over time (AD 1200-1400).

Grant Snitker (Arizona State University), $500 for radiocarbon samples that will secure the chronology of charcoal concentrations from sampled sediment cores.

Michelle Turner (Arizona State University), $500 for analysis of ceramics and other artifacts recovered during excavations at Aztec North.

Laurie Webster (University of Arizona), $1000 to support the survey and photo-documentation of 400 archaeological textiles, baskets, wooden implements, hides, and other perishable artifacts at the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York.

John Welsh (Simon Fraser University), $500 to fund work focused on filling the conspicuous gap in archaeological knowledge about ancient pueblo occupation of the Bonito Creek and White River watersheds.

Travel Grants

Three travel grants were awarded to aid in attending the SAA’s for presentation of research.

Nicole Mathwich (University of Arizona), $200 to present a paper entitled Fodder and water: Isotope analysis of livestock enamel in Southwest Spanish colonial settlements in the Pimeria Alta, co-authored with Alex Ruff, and Barnet Pavao-Zuckerman.

Kelsey Reese (Southwest Archaeological Consultants, Inc.), $500 to organize the symposium titled: Using GIS Modeling to Solve Real- World Archaeological Problems, presenting a paper titled: From the Empirical to the Conjectural: Settlement Patterns on the Mesa Verde Landform, and to present a poster titled: From the Empirical to the Conjectural: Using Spatial Analysis to Determine Population Settlement Patterns on the Uncharted Mesa Verde Landform.

Christopher Schwartz (Arizona State University), $433.20 for travel to present a paper titled: Differences in Mesoamerican Connections Across Hohokam Canal Systems of the Phoenix Basin, Arizona, co-authored with Ben Nelson, and David Abbott.