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Research and Travel Grants for 2019

In 2019 AAHS funded 6 Research Grants and 6 Travel grants to individuals from 8 institutions for a total of $8,189.24.

Research Grants

Jenny Adams (Desert Archaeology), $1000 to fund travel to the University of New Mexico to examine ground stone artifacts from small sites in Chaco Canyon.

Kaitlyn Davis (University of Colorado, Boulder), $1000 for two the analysis of phytolith samples collected from prehistoric and early historic era fields in the Northern Rio Grande.

Evan Giomi (University of Arizona), $1000 for his research project entitled “Coalescence and Colonialism in New Mexico, A.D. 1300-1700: Social Network Analysis of Puebloan Regional Interaction”.

Steven James (California State University, Fullerton), $814 for his project entitled “Protohistoric or Early Historic Chicken Bones? Pueblo Grande Museum Collections May Have Significant Implications for the Earliest Domestic Chickens in the American Southwest”.

Nicole Mathwich (Arizona State Museum), $430.24 for travel to the Museo de Trincheras, Sonora, Mexico, to analyze one of two excavated Spanish mission assemblages in Sonora, and funds for the collection to be returned to its repository in Hermosillo, Sonora.

Blythe Morrison (Northern Arizona University), $945 for the analysis of dietary isotopes to identify the presence of wild birds within a domesticated population.

Travel Grants

Andrew Gillreath-Brown (Washington State University), $500 for travel to the 84th  Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Andrew will present the paper entitled: The Impact of Temperature on the Transition to Maize Agriculture in the Northern Upland United States Southwest. 

Kelsey Hanson (University of Arizona), $500 for travel to the 84th  Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Kelsey is serving as the co-chair for the session Archaeological Method and Theory: Papers in Honor of James M. Skibo, presenting a paper titled Driving me Nuts: Acorn Processing Experiments and the Ongoing Impact of Jim Skibo’s Mentorship, Training, and Yooper Wisdom, and co-authoring a paper titled The Technology of Capturing Color: Complementary Analyses of Pigment Cakes and Chalks. 

Lori Barkwill Love (University of Texas, San Antonio), $500 for travel to the Radiocarbon and Archaeology 9th International Symposium in Athens, Georgia. Lori is presenting a poster titled New Perspectives on the Timing and Dispersion of Archaic Maize in the North American Southwest.  

Alex Nunez (University of Arizona), $500 for travel to 2019 Annual Convention of the North American Society for Sport History in Boise, Idaho. Alex is presenting a paper titled A Catcher’s Mask: Vincent Nava, Baseball’s Color Line, and Mexican American Racialization.

Mairead Poulin (University of Arizona), $300 for travel to the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Mairead is presenting a paper titled Making the Walls Talk: Memory and Rock Art in the American Southwest and is a discussant in a lightning round entitled Dialogues on North American Human Remains Curation. 

Kelsey Reese (University of Notre Dame), $500 for travel to the 84th Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology in Albuquerque, New Mexico and the international annual meeting for Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology in Krakow, Poland. At the SAA’s, Kelsey is presenting the paper All for Drone and Drone for Free: A Free and/or Open-Source Workflow for UAV Imagery Collection and Analysis and is coauthor on two other papers titled First Impressions of the Mesa Verde North Escarpment and A Bowl in a Basket Shop: Late Pueblo III Ceramic Motifs and the Mesa Verde North Escarpment. In Poland, Kelsey is presenting the paper titled Ecological Marginality and Internal Migration on the Mesa Verde North Escarpment.