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Research and Travel Grants for 2021

This year AAHS awarded $5784.56 in Research Grants to seven researchers from seven different institutions. There were no Travel Grants awarded due to COVID-19.

Research Grants 

Jonah Jankovik (Eastern New Mexico University), $663.83 to fund travel to conduct research work in the Sapillo Valley in the Gila National Forest of southwestern New Mexico.

Jeffery Jones (Pima Community College/Tierra Right-of-Way), $1000 for the analysis of macrobotanical samples recovered during Pima Community College’s Centre for Archaeological Field Training (PCC) student and data recovery excavations at the Rooney Ranch site (AZ BB:9:3[ASM]).

Douglas Mitchell (Pueblo Grande Museum) $1000 for four AMS C14 dates collected from a project adjacent to Pueblo Grande, to aid in chronological reconstructions. 

Daniel Perez (University of Nevada, Las Vegas), $860 for his project entitled “The Role of Style in Community Identity and Group Affiliation”. This project focuses on the Virgin Branch Puebloan region of the North American Southwest.

Kelsey Reese (University of Notre Dame), $318.08 for her project entitled “Mesa Verde North Escarpment Survey”.

Kimberly Sheets (Washington State University), $1000 for her project entitled “The Social Lives of Animals: Inferring Identity from Animal Use and Procurement in the Homol’ovi Settlement Cluster, Northeastern Arizona”.

Ariane Thomas (University of Iowa), $942.65 for genetic sequencing of prehistoric Athapaskan dogs.