A big thank you to all who supported our March Used Book Sale

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Subvention Awardees


Linda M. Gregonis and Victoria R. Evans for the publication of The Hohokam and Their World: An Exploration of Art and Iconography. This volume will be published by the University of Arizona Press in 2024. Awarded $3000.

Ann Hedlund for the publication of Mac Schweitzer: A Southwest Maverick and Her Art. This volume will be published by the University of Arizona Press in 2024. Awarded $2000.


Roger Anyon and Stephen LeBlanc for the publication of Ancient Communities in the Mimbres Valley: Continuity and Change from AD 750 to 1350. This volume will be published by the University of Arizona press in 2024. Awarded $4000  

Michael Mathiowetz and John M.D. Pohl for the publication of Reassessing the Aztatlán World: Ethnogenesis and Cultural Continuity in Northwest Mesoamerica. This volume will be published by the University of Utah press in 2024. Awarded $1000


Robert Stokes, Katherine Dungan, and Jakob Sedig for the publication of 50 color images in Mogollon Communal Spaces and Places in the Greater American Southwest. This volume will be published by the University of Utah Press. $500.00

Samantha Fladd to  cover costs for figure reuse, color printing, and to help reduce the cost of  Capturing Water: Puebloan Resilience and Agricultural Sustainability in Chaco Canyon,  a book that compiles Gwinn Vivians work on agricultural practices and water management in Chaco Canyon. The volume will be published by the University of Utah Press.  $2000.00

Shelby Tisdale for No Place for a Lady: The Life Story of Archaeologist Marjorie F. Lambert,  a New Mexico anthropologist who has not been well recognized for her collaborative work or work with  museums, but was an important NM scholar, although appears in compilations about women anthropologists in the 20th century. This volume will be published by the University of Arizona Press. $1500.00

Susan Ryan (editor) for Research, Education, and American Indian Partnerships at the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center. According to Ryan, “the primary purpose of this volume is to celebrate the Crow Canyon Archaeological Center’s contributions in the past, present, and future by providing a backdrop to the non-profit’s humble beginnings in the 1980s and highlight key mission accomplishments in American Indian initiatives, public education, and archaeological research since that time.” The requested funds will help offset the costs of distributing a free electronic version of the book for free to communities. This volume will be published by the University Press of Colorado. $1,000.00


Sandra Coombs and Judith Habicht-Mauche, guest editors for the Tijeras Canyon issue of Kiva to publish color images in Kiva. $1000.00

Douglas R. Mitchell, Jonathan B. Mabry, Gary Huckleberry, Natalia Martínez Tagüeña, the editors of Coastal Foragers of the Gran Desierto: Investigations of Prehistoric Shell Middens along the Northern Sonoran Coast for publication of a monograph in the Proceedings of the Desert Laboratory edited by Benjamin Wilder. $2000.00

Christopher W. Schwartz, Stephen Plog, and Patricia A. Gilman, editors of Birds of the Sun: Macaws, Parrots, and People in the Pre-Hispanic U.S. Southwest and Mexican Northwest for support of their large format book published by the University of Arizona Press. $2000.00


Wesley Bernardini, Stewart B. Koyiyumptewa, Gregson Schachner, and Leigh Kuwanwisiwma – Becoming Hopi: A History. University of Arizona Press – $5,000


Shelby Tisdale (editor) – From Peasant to Philanthropist: My Life by Federico Jimenéz Caballero. She is the editor of Caballero’s memoir, The University of Arizona Press $3,750. 

James Watson and Gordon Rakita (editors) – Ancient Southwestern Mortuary Practices,The University Press of Colorado – $1,250. 


Maxine McBrinn and Deborah Huntley (editors) – Linda Cordell: Detail, Passion, and Innovation in Archaeology and Beyond,  Museum of New Mexico Press – $2,000

Scott Ortman (editor) –  Re-Framing the Northern Rio Grande Pueblo Economy, The University of Arizona Press – $1,000.

Patrick Lyons (editor) – Davis Ranch Site: A Kayenta Immigrant Enclave in Southeastern Arizona, The University of Arizona Press – $2,000.


Bradley Vierra – The Archaic Southwest: Foragers in an Arid Land, published by The University of Utah Press – $1000

Matthew Peeples – Connected Communities: Networks, Identity, and Social Change in the Ancient Cibola World, published by The University of Arizona Press – $1500

Thom Rocek and Nancy A. Kenmotsu – Late Prehistoric Hunters-gatherers and Farmers of the Jornada Mogollon,  published by The University Press of Colorado – $2500


Patrica A. Gilman and Steven A. LeBlanc – Mimbres Life and Society at the Mattocks Site in the Mimbres Valley of Southwestern New Mexico published by the University of Arizona Press – $4,000.


Matthew Pailes – Political Landscapes of Eastern Sonora Mexico: A View from the Moctezuma Valley to be published by the Arizona State Museum – $2,000

Paul Minnis and Michael Whalen – Discovering Paquimé to be published by the Amerind Foundation  $3510