A big thank you to all who supported our March Used Book Sale

Roots of SW Archaeology

The Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society (AAHS) has undertaken several projects to retain both the history of southwestern archaeology as reflected in the generations following the well-documented “founding fathers” and the history of AAHS itself. Our goal is to leave a legacy for upcoming and future generations.

In honor of the 100th anniversary of AAHS , a number of articles on its early history were written and published in the AAHS newsletter, Glyphs. These articles as well as other articles reflecting AAHS’s history are available on our history page:

A second project that AAHS has undertaken is recording oral histories from leading archaeologists. This project was initiated with support from the Southwestern Foundation for Education and Historical Preservation under the leadership of then AAHS President, Don Burgess. Alex and Madelyn Cook, Tom Euler, and Sarah Herr formed the original Oral History Project Committee. In more recent times, the baton has been taken up by Patricia Gilman, Katherine Cerino and Fran Maiuri.

Dean Byron Cummings