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Dr. Colwell-Chanthaphonh is Curator of Anthropology at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. His research interests include: Native American ethnology and archaeology, heritage management, collaborative methods, social and political uses of history, cultural landscapes, and research ethics. Dr. Colwell-Chanthaphonh received his PhD from Indiana University and his BA from the University of Arizona. Before coming to the Museum, he held a post-doctoral fellowship with the American Academy of Arts & Sciences in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Dr. Colwell-Chanthaphonh sits on the editorial board of American Anthropologist, and currently serves as co-editor of Museum Anthropology. He has published more than two dozen articles and book chapters, and has authored and edited six books. Recent awards include the 2009 National Council on Public History Book Award and the 2009 Gordon R. Willey Prize of the American Anthropological Association, Archaeology Division.