- Tag
- Members of the Snaketown ’65 crew
- Sarah Herr, Steve Lekson and Jenny Adams prepared to cut the cake
- Ray Thompson and the Kiva Doggerl
- ASM Director Beth Grindell pays tribute to Kiva
- Don Burgess at the Kiva Birthday Party
- Kiva reception
- Display of Hohokam Books at ASM Store
- 75 Years and counting…
- Kiva Editors
- Kiva Birthday Party
- Barneby Lewis from the Gila River Community
- Panel Session at Snaketown Symposium
- David Doyel
- AAHS President Don Burgess introducing David Doyel
- Henry Wallace, Bill Doelle and Steve Lekson – Snaketown Reception
- Snaketown Reception
- Snaketown Symposium Speakers, Patty Crown, Dave Wilcox and David Doyel
On March 5th and 6th, 2010 the Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society and the Arizona State Museum celebrated the 75th Anniversary of the excavations at Snaketown and the 75th Anniversary of it’s journal, Kiva.

Ten of the 37 Editors of Kiva Celebrate 75 Years of Publication
Back Row (Left to Right): Lex Lindsay (1957-58), Richard Ahlstrom (1985-87), Bernard Fontana (1958-60), Steve Lekson (2007-present), Ron Towner (1999-2006), Mike Jacobs (1980-85)
Front Row (Left to Right): Gayle Hartmann (1991-95), Linda Gregonis (1988-1991), Tobi Taylor (1997-1999), Nan Rollings (1970-71)
(photo by Andrew Christenson)

Special retrospective issue on Mogollon Archaeology featuring the best articles about the Mogollon from the Kiva. From Paul Martin in 1957 to Charles Riggs in 2005.