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The Murray Springs Clovis Kill Site – 2nd Tour added

December 9, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am MST

Join AAHS on December 9th, from 10:00 am- 11:30 am for a tour of the Murray Springs Clovis Kill Site north of Sierra Vista. The site is one of the few excavated Clovis sites in North America. The Clovis culture dates from 12,000-14,000 years ago and is a Paleo-American culture characterized by large fluted projectile points and megafauna kill/butchering sites. The Murray Springs Site has yielded the most evidence of Clovis stone tool manufacture and large megafauna butchering in the Southwestern United States. Archaeologists believe these nomadic people probably traveled and hunted in small groups of approximately 30 members. Murray Springs was occupied at least twice. A Clovis campsite documented at the site providing an understanding into the daily activities and habits of these people. The site has yielded evidence of butchering of Mammoths as well as the remains of the lion, camel, and dire wolf from the Pleistocene era.

Dwight Long, a docent with the Friends of the San Pedro River, will be our tour guide. Dwight is retired from federal service and has led tours of the Murray Springs site for 15 years. He has also published articles in the local newspaper about the site. Dwight is an avid nature photographer. The Friends of the San Pedro River is a non-profit, volunteer organization that assists the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) with the protection and management of the San Pedro Riparian National Conservation Area. Murray Springs is located on BLM managed land.

The tour is non-strenuous. The trail is less than ½ a mile long and is mostly paved. There are steep stairs into Blackwater Draw, which is an optional side stop, should anyone want to see geological deposits in the draw. There are benches along the route. 

The trip is limited to 20 people, so sign up now! There is no fee to visit the site. You are responsible for your own transportation to the site north of Sierra Vista. To sign up for the trip, or for more information, email aahs1916@gmail.com.


December 9, 2023
10:00 am - 11:30 am MST
Event Category:


Alycia Hayes