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Myles Miller – Five Millennia of Living on the Landscapes of the Jornada Mogollon Region of Southern New Mexico and West Texas

ALL AAHS LECTURES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BUT YOU MUST PREREGISTER. TO REGISTER CLICK HERE. Four decades of archaeological research in the Jornada Mogollon region of southern New Mexico and far west Texas has revealed a rich record of past lifeways. Due to its marginal location and misperception that the archaeology of the region […]

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Takeshi Inomata and Daniela Triadan – “Early Formal Ceremonial Complexes and Olmec-Maya Interaction”

ALL AAHS LECTURES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BUT YOU MUST PREREGISTER. TO REGISTER CLICK HERE. The origins of Maya civilization and its relation with Olmec civilization have long been debated. To examine this question, we have been conducting archaeological investigations at Ceibal, Guatemala, and in the Middle Usumacinta region in southeastern Mexico. In Mexico, […]

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Chris Loendorf -“Eastern Pueblo Immigrants on the Middle Gila River”

ALL AAHS LECTURES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BUT YOU MUST PREREGISTER. TO REGISTER CLICK HERE Recent data recovery investigations undertaken at GR-1425 in the Blackwater area of the Gila River Indian Community found evidence that immigrants from the Eastern Pueblo region of the Southwest temporarily stayed at the site. These data include artifacts that […]

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Learning and Sharing in Oaxaca, Mexico: Cross-Cultural Exchange among U.S. Puebloan Weavers, Southwestern Textile Scholars, and Oaxacan Weavers for the 2019 AAHS Traditional Technologies Seminar

ALL AAHS LECTURES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BUT YOU MUST PREREGISTER. TO REGISTER CLICK HERE. Introduction by: Louie Garcia and Laurie Webster, Program Co-Chairs With comments by: Ben Bellorado, Ahkima Honyumptewa, Chuck LaRue, Chris Lewis, Kurly Tlapoyawa, Mary Weahkee The Arizona Archaeological and Historical Society’s Traditional Technologies Program was established in 2018 to provide research […]

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Rob Weiner – Monumental Avenues of the Chaco World: New Research at the Crossroads of Infrastructure, Ontology, and Power

ALL AAHS LECTURES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BUT YOU MUST PREREGISTER. TO REGISTER CLICK HERE. Researchers have puzzled over wide roadways associated with Chaco-style Great Houses in the U.S. Southwest for over a century. Despite frequent references to roads in Chaco scholarship, there has been relatively little on-the-ground assessment of how roads were used, […]

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Jose Luis Punzo Diaz- Looking from the South. A material Perspective on Prehispanic West-Northwestern Mexico and U.S. Southwest Connections

ALL AAHS LECTURES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BUT YOU MUST PREREGISTER. TO REGISTER CLICK HERE. A great variety of archaeological artifacts have been located both in the Southwest of the USA and in the West and Northwest of Mexico that has shown an intense interaction between both zones. Turquoises, metals, macaws are some of the examples […]

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Wade Campbell – Exploring the Rise of Navajo Pastoralism in the (Peri)Colonial US Southwest

ALL AAHS LECTURES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BUT YOU MUST PREREGISTER. TO REGISTER CLICK HERE.   The rise of a pastoral tradition among early Diné (Navajo) communities in the American Southwest circa AD 1700 represents an important turn in the history of the region. Recent work including an ethnoarchaeological study of contemporary Diné herding […]

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Steve Plog – Exploring the Many Interpretations of Chaco

ALL AAHS LECTURES ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC BUT YOU MUST PREREGISTER. TO REGISTER CLICK HERE. Multiple interpretations have been proposed to explain what has been referred to as the “Chaco Phenomenon,” defined primarily by the construction of large masonry great houses and roads in Chaco Canyon. I briefly discuss the history of research in […]

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Fabiola E. Silva – “Hechizas: A History of Looting and Ceramic Fakes in Northwest Chihuahua”

This lecture will be presented simultaneously in person in Tucson and to you at home through Zoom. You choose the option that works for you! If participating virtually registration is required.  Use this link: If attending in person meet at this location: University of Arizona Environmental Resources Bldg. # 2 Room 107 1064 E […]

Event Details

Steve Tomka, Strong Foundations and Promising Futures: Collaborative Efforts Between the Professional and Avocational Archaeological Community


This lecture is now being offered VIRTUALLY ONLY through AAHS@Home and Zoom.  We have had to cancel the in-person option. Pre-registration is required:  Use this link:   This presentation will provide a brief history of the collaborative endeavors forged between professional and avocational archaeologists over the last few decades of archaeological research. It will […]

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